Getting Better

As I approach my 40th birthday, I’ve been thinking about my life.  So far, every decade has been better than the one before:

  • LOVED having my mom home with me until I went to kindergarten.  My parents divorcing while I was in elementary school really hit me hard.
  • Then came high school and going off to college – enjoyable, but fraught with teen-aged angst
  • Married early twenties, and divorced late twenties.  I’m a better, stronger and happier person overall for having experienced both. Please excuse the Stuart Smalley-like affirmations.
  • My 30th birthday occurred while I was living in England. I’ve spent these past 10 years learning to like who I am and embracing all the potential I have
  • What will happen in my 40s?  I’m eager to find out!

Some times I think about what it would be like to apply my current knowledge to the past.  If I only knew then what I know now!  But it was the past that gave me the experience.  It is well-earned knowledge.

Movie poster for Mr. DestinyThe movie Mr. Destiny showed us our dream life isn’t so dreamy.  The tagline for the film was “Would you give up everything you have for everything you ever wanted?” Without a moment’s hesitation, my answer is “No!”  I don’t want now what I used to want!  I love my life now.  I would not want to risk that.

I hear so many people say that they don’t feel like their chronological age.  I do.  My body is DEFINITELY not 20 any more, and that is a good thing (Just ask me. I tell myself that every day!).  I am so thankful for the experiences I have had and look forward to developing more.  I’m looking forward to seeing the future as it slowly unveils itself to me.

In what ways has your life improved with time … or …. what is your favorite alternative timeline film?

2 thoughts on “Getting Better”

  1. Another thought provoking post. I have many faults, but one strength, or probably just a trait, is that I have always been able to appreciate the stage and circumstances of my life as I’m in them. I thought about what you said regarding Mr. Destiny’s tag line of would we give up what we have now for we think we’d want ….or something down those lines, I mean, i get the gyst, and no, I wouldn’t either. Sounds like you appreciate where you are as well. Good for you. Like the Buddha says, “Wherever you are, be there.’


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