
This past weekend, DH2U‘s mom came for a visit. This is the wonderful woman who found my cell phone in a field of snow and who loaned me her London Review of Books. We had a wonderful time. She met our friends and had a chance to meet my Dad and Barb.

With me being be, my favorite part of the weekend was cooking for her. For dessert on Valentine’s Day, I made a Passover favorite: Strawberry Fluff.

Strawberry Fluff

(The Jewish Hostess‘s picture looks so much better than what I could have taken. Her recipe is slightly different from mine, but I’m sure just as yummy as it looks.)

It tastes like ice cream but has no milk products at all. Its five ingredients are transformed into delicious yumminess:

  • 1 egg white
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tbl lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla

All you do is put everything in a big bowl (preferably a very deep one), mix on low until thoroughly combined, and then on high until stiff peaks form. Transfer the lovely concoction into a bowl with a lid and freeze for at least five hours.

I have a hand mixer that I bought 20 years ago for $8 that has definite Energizer Bunny tendencies. I can’t believe it still works and keeps helping me produce some wonderful things.

I don’t own a deep enough mixing bowl, so fluff making is messy business. My previous go at it, I decided to forego an apron thinking I would simply be careful. Don’t do it.

Fluff on tshirt

This is what “being careful” looks like. Look at all of those spots!

We definitely enjoyed the light and creamy dessert. I love it all the more since a serving has fewer than 70 calories!

What did you have on Valentine’s Day? or What was the last recipe you shared with a friend?

4 thoughts on “Fluff”

  1. That’s what my clothing looks like no matter what I cook or bake! This is why I have fallen in love with aprons.
    Good idea – I always wonder what to do with all the leftover egg whites I save from Eggs Benedict. 😀


    1. I have two cute aprons, and one utilitarian one for jobs like this one that would stain my pretty ones. A Dexter one might be in my future!

      We are a great team – I couldn’t figure out what to do with the yolks left over from fluff!


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